Suratimah*, Azam Syukur Rahmatullah, Muhammad Naim Madjid

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Central Java, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]*




This study aims to determine the effect of discipline and student learning motivation on student achievement. This research was a hypothesis testing study model with a quantitative approach. The data were collected using a questionnaire on a Likert scale on discipline and learning motivation. In contrast, the data on learning achievement was obtained from the school's documentation. The population was taken from all students of Muhammadiyah 2 Playen Gunungkidul Yogyakarta Vocational High School with a simple random sampling technique having 153 students as the samples around October to December 2021. The data analysis consisted of validity and instrument reliability tests, normality tests, linearity tests, hypothesis tests, and correlation tests. The results of this study indicate that 1) learning discipline has a significant effect on student achievement by 12.5% and has a moderate correlation with a Pearson Correlation score of 0.354; 2) learning motivation has an effect on student achievement by 55.2% and is perfectly correlated with Pearson Correlation score of 0.743; 3) discipline and learning motivation simultaneously have an effect on student achievement of 63.1% with a significance value of 0.000. Meanwhile, 4) the driving factors of discipline are learning readiness, environment, rules, and regulations in the school environment, and teaching and learning activities both at school and home. On the other hand, the factors that support learning motivation include intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.


Keywords: Factors; learning achievements; supporters


Received July 27, 2022, Revised August 11, 2022, Accepted August 22, 2022



Learning achievement is the formulation of the final grade given by the teacher to a student during a specific period. Learning achievement is an effort made by a student in the form of mastery, knowledge, abilities, habits, skills, and attitudes after going through a learning process which is proven in the form of test results (Suryabrata, 2006). According to an Organization For Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) 2009 survey, Indonesian students' achievements occupy the lowest position in Southeast Asia. The achievements of Indonesian students aged 15 years are ranked in the bottom 10 out of 79 countries surveyed in three subjects, namely mathematics, reading, and science, according to a recent report of the International Student Assessment Program released by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (Ade, 2019). The results of this survey show that the education quality in Indonesia is minimal, so strategies are needed to improve learning achievement.

Several factors influence student success in achieving learning achievement. Disciplined learning is an essential factor that affects a student's success in learning activities. The attitude and behavior of the discipline are not directly formed by themselves but requires a continuous process. The student from an early age should be introduced to the values of regulating human life so that his life can take place in an orderly, effective, and efficient manner. Violations or deviations from the rules of conduct harm him and can even get sanctions or punishments. Every child must be helped to live a disciplined life, in the sense of being willing and able to comply with the provisions in the family environment, society, nation, and country (Rohman, 2018).

In addition to discipline in learning, several things affect a student's learning process, including learning motivation. Learning motivation is the overall driving force in students that causes, guarantees continuity, and provides direction for learning activities to achieve goals (Haryani, Jaenudin, & Ar, 2014). Motivation in learning activities plays a significant role in maintaining and increasing the enthusiasm for learning of upbringing participants (Sardiman, 2016). Learning motivation gives rise to the ability to learn independently (Oh, 2017). In addition, learning motivation can also increase acceptance and attendance (Kris Law, Shuang Geng, 2019).

Motivation will arouse the spirit of learning, and if the student's learning motivation is high, then the student will get maximum results because learning is a deliberate effort by educators to support student learning activities (Lotulung, Ibrahim, & Tumurang, 2019). Students need learning motivation to actively participate in learning so that students get exemplary learning achievements. Motivation in learning activities plays a significant role in maintaining and increasing the enthusiasm of learning students (Sardiman, 2016). According to Kaylene and Caroline (2011), five primary keys affect student motivation: students, teachers, content, methods, and environment. When the learning process takes place, if student lacks learning motivation, the student has an attitude of skipping classes, delaying or neglecting tasks that must be done, not making preparations when exams are going to be held, and is reluctant to do assignments such as group assignments (Diana, Anshori, Nugraha, Ramadhan, & Lukman, 2021). Students need learning motivation to actively participate in learning so that students get exemplary learning achievements. The school, as the second most extended place to live after home for a student, is expected to influence the development of his psyche positively. However, schools that serve as character shapers have many challenges that students have to face. In the past, the school environment was considered the second ward after the family environment. However, for now, it is not like that anymore. Around the student environment, many other places are used by teenagers to spend their time, including playing cellphones, supermarkets, cinemas, or maybe at street stalls or near schools, or the home of one friend, which is an alternative place more attractive than the school environment. It takes cooperation between schools and parents to motivate students to learn. 

Based on some previous research, it has been found that the urgency of early learning activities, learning discipline, and learning motivation must be continuously improved in quality to improve student learning achievement (Adinoto, 2019). Mulya and Lengkana (2020) also argues that there is a relationship and a significant influence between self-confidence, learning motivation, and learning achievement of elementary school students. Safitri and Yuniwati (2019) concluded that there is a significant influence between family motivation and support on student learning achievement. This is by research conducted by Matussolikhah (2021) that there is a simultaneous positive influence between learning discipline and learning styles on learning outcomes. However, the research above has not explicitly discussed the factors that encourage student learning achievement, so this study will examine the factors that encourage student learning achievement, especially in the factors of discipline and student learning motivation.

Based on the background of the problems found and presented earlier, the researcher aims to assess the influence of discipline and learning motivation on student learning achievement. Based on the observations made by researchers, some students have not been able to behave disciplined in learning. This is shown by the number of students who are still late when coming to class for various reasons. Some students do not comply with school rules and use school uniforms that are not by the provisions. Concerning student learning, motivation is still not optimal, and this can be seen in some students who do not do assignments from the teacher. Some students are lazy to take part in learning, characterized by when the student learning process is sleepy or asleep in the classroom.

This study illustrates how much influence discipline has on student learning achievement, the influence of student learning motivation on student learning achievement. The difference between this research and other studies is that this research was conducted after the Covid-19 Pandemic period where at this time there was a change in lifestyle habits in the community, especially in the field of education.



This research uses quantitative methods. In this study, the population was all students in the Muhammadiyah 2 Playen Vocational High School class for the 2021/ 2022 academic year. At the same time, sampling in this study using simple Random Sampling technique is a sampling table with an error rate of 5%, so that from the total population of students of Muhammadiyah 2 Playen Gunungkidul Vocational High School, which amounted to 254 students, a sample of 153 students was obtained Sugiyono (2011) both male and female because the majority of problems in the school were the same between male and female students.

Data collection is carried out with documentation to obtain data from learning achievement variables. At the same time, questionnaires are used to obtain data on discipline and learning motivation variables. Measurement of learning discipline variables based on the theories constructed by Tulus Tu’u (2008) that the indicators of discipline in schools can regulate learning at home, diligently and regularly study, good attention when in class, and self-order when studying in class. Meanwhile, Daryanto (2015) divides the indicators of learning discipline, namely adherence to school rules, discipline to learning activities at school, and carrying out tasks that are their responsibility, and discipline in learning at home. Murtini (2010) stated disciplinary indicators of general order, discipline in teaching and learning activities, discipline outside of learning, and sanctions for violations. Based on the description above, in this study, the author divided the indicators of learning discipline into five types, namely Discipline in Learning Preparation; Discipline in attending lessons at school; Discipline in carrying out tasks; Discipline in studying at home; Discipline in obeying the rules of order in schools. For the disciplinary questionnaire, there are 20 questions.

The variables of learning motivation are measured using questionnaires consisting of the desire and desire to succeed, the encouragement of needs in learning, the existence of hopes and ideals for the future, the presence of rewards or rewards in learning, and the availability of a conducive learning environment (Uno, 2011). Whereas McCown and Rick (1999) the motivational aspect of learning consists of the desire to learn, being involved severely, the learning process and the tasks given, and the commitment to learning. The learning motivation questionnaire consists of 20 question items.

Questionnaire in the form of a Likert scale that has been tested for validity and reliability. The validity test process was carried out on the 30 respondents. The validity test results obtained by the overall results of the items are valid because the results obtained by r count are greater than the r table. Test the reliability of learning discipline and learning motivation using the reliability test.

Meanwhile, quantitative data analysis was carried out using Likert and TCR scale data to measure students' attitudes, opinions, and perceptions towards learning discipline and motivation. Meanwhile, the analysis used to test hypotheses is a linear analysis of multiple regression. Using multiple linear regression analysis because in this study analyzed the causal relationship of two independent variables to one dependent variable.



The results of the study began with a description of the data from each variable based on filling in the questionnaire in terms of the achievement of respondents as follows.


Table 1

Results of the Achievement Test of Respondents of Learning Discipline Variables



Number of Respondents

Average total score

Mean answer

TCR (%)



Discipline in preparation for study







Discipline in attending lessons at school







Discipline in doing tasks







Home study discipline







Discipline in obeying school rules






Source: Primary Data Processed, 2022.

The table shows that the achievement of respondents in the category is good because it is in the range of 66-84.


Table 2

Results of Respondents' Achievement of Learning Motivation



Number of Respondents

Average total score

Mean answer

TCR (%)



Passion and desire succeed







Learning drive and needs







Hopes and ideals of the future







Rewards in learning







Interesting activities in learning







Conducive environment






Source: Primary Data Processed, 2022.


The table shows that the achievement of respondents in the category is good because it is in the range of 66-84.

Hypothesis testing in this study uses the t-test and the F test. T-test aims to determine the presence and absence of a partial (own) influence of the results given by the free variable on the bound variable. The F test aims to determine whether there is a simultaneous influence (together) exerted by the free variable on the bound variable. Calculations for the statistical approach using ANOVA (analysis of variance).

The results of the first hypothesis testing of this study are as follows:

a.   Validity Test

For the validity test, the whole has a r arithmetic value > r table so that all questions are valid and can be used for research

b.   Reliability Test

The results of the reliability test showed that the coefficient (r arithmetic) of Cronbach's Alpha of all variables was greater, namely 0.864 and 0.829 compared to the r table value of 0.254 so that it can be concluded that all question items in the variable are reliable.

c.   Normality Test

Based on the results of the data normality test obtained from 153 respondents obtained a significance value of 0.006 > 0.005, it can be concluded that the session dual value is normally distributed so that it can be continued to regression analysis.

d.   Mul1ticollinearity Test

Based on the results in the table, it appears that the tolerance value is 0.990 (greater than 0.10) and the VIF value is 1.010 (smaller than 10) which means that there is no multicollinearity so it can be said that this data is a good regression data.

e.   Linearity Test

1)  Learning discipline towards learning achievement

Based on the results of the linearity test, it is known that the Sign deviation from linearity value is 0.803 (greater than 0.05), it can be concluded that there is a linear relationship between learning disciplines and student learning achievement. 

2)  Motivation to learn towards learning achievement

Based on the results of the linearity test, it is known that the value of Sign deviation from linearity is 0.646 (greater than 0.05), it can be concluded that there is a linear relationship between the variables of learning motivation and learning achievement.


Table 3

First Hypothesis Testing (H1)

Coefficients a


Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients





Std. Error










Learning Disciplines







a.     Dependent Variable: learning achievements


The results of this study show that learning discipline affects student learning achievement. This can be seen from the analysis on track which connects learning discipline with learning achievement. Based on the table, it is known that the Sign value for the influence of X1 on Y is 0.000 < 0.05, so it can be concluded that H1 is accepted or there is an influence between X on Y (there is an influence of learning discipline on student learning achievement).




Table 4

The magnitude of Influence X1

Model Summary



R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate






a. Predictors: (Constant), Learning Disciplines


The table shows the R - square score of 0.125, which illustrates the magnitude of the influence of learning discipline on student learning achievement by 12.5 %. The results of the second hypothesis test are shown in the following table.


Table 5

Second Hypothesis Testing (H2)


Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients




Std. Error









Motivation to learn






      a. Dependent Variable: learning achievements


The results showed that learning motivation affects learning achievement. This can be seen from the path that connects learning motivation with learning achievement. Based on the table of test results, it is known that the Sign value for the influence of X2 on Y is 0.000 < 0.05, so it can be concluded that H2 is accepted or there is an influence between X and Y (there is a decrease in learning motivation on student learning achievement behavior).


Table 6

The magnitude of Influence X2 Model Summary



R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate






a. Predictors: (Constant) motivation to learn



The table shows the R-square score of 0.552, which illustrates the magnitude of the influence of learning motivation on learning achievement behavior by 55.2%.

The third hypothesis of this study is as follows.


Table 7

F Test Results ANOVA


Sum of Squares


Mean Square






















a. Dependent Variable: learning achievements


b. Predictors: (Constant), Motivation to learn, Learning Disciplines



The results of the third hypothesis with the F test the third hypothesis of this study is H3 = There is an influence of discipline and learning motivation on the learning achievement of Muhammadiyah 2 Playen Gunungkidul Yogyakarta Vocational High School. Based on the output of the F test results above, it is known that the significance value of the influence of X1 and X2 simultaneously on Y is 0.000, so it can be concluded that H3 is accepted (the variables of learning discipline and learning motivation have a simultaneous effect on student learning achievement).

The magnitude of the simultaneous influence of the variables X and Y can be seen from the coefficient of determination. The magnitude of the influence of a free variable on a bound variable can be seen from its R square value. The results of the test are as follows.


Table 8

Coefficient of Determination Test Results

Model Summary




R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate






a. Predictors: (Constant), motivation to learn, Learning Disciplines



Based on these outputs, it is known that the R square score is 0.631, meaning that the influence of learning discipline and motivation simultaneously on student learning achievement is 63.1 percent.



A.  The Effect of Learning Discipline on Learning Achievement

Connected with the educational process at school, discipline is an influential factor in the educational process at school. Students can achieve satisfactory learning achievements if students are in a conducive learning environment and an orderly learning process. Discipline plays an essential role in learning success. Based on the hypothesis test results, this study found that the results of counting = 4.650 and Sig = 0.000. Because the Sig value < 0.05, H0 is rejected, which means that there is a significant influence of variable X1 (learning discipline) on the bound variable Y (student learning achievement). Then it can be concluded that learning discipline affects student learning achievement.

Learning disciplines where the results of their research proved to influence the significance of learning disciplines on learning achievement for that when the learning process requires learning discipline so that students have a strong motivation to learn (Iswan et al., 2020). This is in line with the results of research conducted by (Wigati, 2019), which shows that learning discipline has a positive and significant effect on student learning achievement. Moreover, there is a positive impact on significant achievement between learning discipline variables on learning achievement (Budiono & Suhendar, 2019). Thus, the variables of learning discipline partially have a significant influence on the variables of learning achievement. It is also supported by Adinoto (2019) that learning discipline variables partially have a significant influence on learning achievement variables. This is increasingly clearly showing that the higher the student's learning discipline, it can have the more positive impact on student learning achievement.


B.  The effect of Learning Motivation on Learning Achievement

Learning motivation is an encouragement caused from within or outside the student, which can cause enthusiasm and excitement to pray and give direction to learning activities so that the goals desired by students can be achieved. A student who is learning needs energy from within himself and from outside that can encourage changes in himself so that the student can succeed in learning. This energy is the motivation to learn (Uno, 2011).

Based on the results of the hypothesis test obtained, it is known that the sign value for the influence of X2 (learning motivation) on Y (learning achievement) is 0.000 < 0.05, thus,  it can be concluded that H2 is accepted or there is an influence between X2 (learning motivation on Y (learning achievement). Then it can be concluded that learning motivation affects student learning achievement. 

Learning motivation significantly influences learning achievement (Prayoga & Rachmawati, 2021). Moreover, learning motivation significantly and positively affects student learning achievement (Kristiani & Pahlevi, 2021). Under the opinion expressed by Maharani and Riau, which stated that students must possess intrinsic and extrinsic learning motivation because this motivation plays a significant role in being able to achieve the set learning goals, motivation is also able to encourage students to know their learning direction (Maharani & Fahira, 2021).

Motivation is a driving force for students to do or achieve their goals. It can also be interpreted as a plan or desire to succeed and avoid failures in life (Marisa, 2019). In other words, motivation is a process that is passionate about achieving goals. A motivated person has shown his ability to achieve success in his life.

C.  The Effect of Discipline and Learning Motivation on Learning Achievement

The data analysis results showed that the hypothesis of these three studies was H3 = There is an influence of discipline and learning motivation on the learning achievement of students of Muhammadiyah 2 Playen Gunungkidul Yogyakarta vocational high school. Based on the output of the F test results above, it is known that the significance value of the influence of X1 and X2 simultaneously on Y is 0.000, so it can be concluded that H3 is accepted (the variables of learning discipline and learning motivation have a simultaneous effect on learning achievement). Partially, the learning discipline has a Pearson Correlation value of 0.354, which is in the range of 0.21 – 0.40. This means that the learning discipline variable is weakly correlated with the learning achievement variable. The learning motivation variable has a Pearson Correlation value of 0.743, which is in the range of 0.61 – 0.80, which means that the learning motivation variable strongly correlates with the student learning achievement variable. Because the Pearson Correlation values of both variables are positive in value, it can be concluded that the variables of learning discipline and learning achievement are positively correlated with the variables of student learning achievement.

Following the results of research conducted by Kusuma and Subhan, this research was obtained simultaneously or jointly from the two variables affecting learning achievement, with the magnitude of each being learning motivation of 62.09% obtained from the coefficient value of partial determination of the learning motivation variable. In contrast, the contribution of learning discipline variables to learning achievement was 48.58%, obtained from the value of partial coefficient determination (Kusuma & Subkhan, 2015).

Discipline and learning motivation is needed in the learning process to obtain maximum achievement. The existing high data shows that disciplinary and motivation variables can be likened to two inseparable sides of a coin. Thus, it can be interpreted that discipline is worthless without motivation, and motivation is worthless without discipline.


D.  Supporting Factors in Student Discipline and Learning Motivation for Improving Learning Achievement.

The learning achievement obtained by students is the result of interactions that come from within (internal factors) and outside (external factors). According to Ahmad and Supriyono (2008), the influence of learning achievement is classified into two factors, namely First, "Internal factors; (1). Physical factors (physiology). For example, vision, hearing; (2). Psychological factors, among others; Intellectual factors include potential factors, namely intelligence, talents, and fundamental proficiency factors, namely achievements that have been achieved, and non-intellectual factors, namely certain personality elements such as attitudes, habits, interests, needs, motivations, emotions; (3) physical and psychic maturity factors. Second 'External factors; (1). Social factors include the family, school, community, and group environment; (2). Cultural factors include customs, science, technology, and art; (3) Physical environmental factors such as home facilities, learning, and climate (Ahmad & Supriyono, 2008).

Factors that affect student learning are classified into two, namely internal factors and external factors. Internal factors include; (1). Physical factors, namely health and disability; (2). Psychological factors, namely intelligence, attention, interests, talents, motives, maturity, and readiness; (3) fatigue factor. As for external factors, including (1) family circumstances, the family is the principal place of the learning process for which the family environment dramatically affects student learning achievement; (2) the state of the school, (3) the state of the community (Slameto, 2010).

It is necessary to introduce students to the factors that affect learning achievement to help students achieve maximum learning achievement. Two important things that significantly affect student learning achievement are discipline and learning motivation. Discipline can arise because of the awareness of students who benefit themselves and the environment. Students learning achievements can be achieved optimally if a disciplined attitude is cultivated. Things that can support the creation of a disciplined attitude are needed, including readiness, the environment, rules and regulations in the school environment, and teaching and learning activities in schools. Readiness or readiness is an individual condition that allows students to learn. In this regard, there are various levels of learning readiness for a specific task. A student who is not ready to carry out a task in learning will experience difficulties or even break up (Mulyani, 2013). The rules and regulations in the school environment can be reflected by students with disciplinary actions that are carried out correctly.

A disciplinary attitude can foster awareness of obedience and implement the rules that apply in schools which can later affect learning achievement. Suppose at home, and it can create a comfortable atmosphere for studying and calm and conducive. In that case, it can affect students' discipline at school and at home. Learning achievements can be achieved well if you get motivation. The factors that support learning motivation include intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is the motivation in students, including aspects of physiology and psychology. Meanwhile, what is included in the exotic motivation is the awarding of awards, a conducive learning atmosphere, and exciting learning activities.

A conducive learning environment is very supportive of achieving learning achievements. A student, if he lives in a neatly arranged home environment with an excellent place to study provided, can trigger students' enthusiasm for learning. Likewise, the school is neatly arranged can cause a passion for student learning. According to Munib, the learning environment is divided into three: family environment, school, and community.



Based on the results of the analysis and hypothesis testing that has been carried out, the results of the study showed that student learning discipline had an effect on student learning achievement at Muhammadiyah 2 Playen Gunungkidul Yogyakarta Vocational High School by 12.5% and was moderately correlated with a Pearson Correlation value of 0.354. Student learning discipline and motivation simultaneously affect student learning achievement at Muhammadiyah 2 Playen Gunungkidul Yogyakarta Vocational High School by 63.1%, with a significance value of 0.000. Motivation affects student learning achievement at Muhammadiyah 2 Playen Gunungkidul Yogyakarta Vocational High School by 55.2%. It is perfectly correlated with a Pearson Correlation score of 0.743.

Factors driving discipline to improve learning achievement. It is necessary to have things that can support the creation of a disciplined attitude, including readiness or readiness, the environment, rules and regulations in the school environment, and teaching and learning activities. The factors that support learning motivation include intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

This research is expected to provide an overview for subsequent researchers to further examine in depth about other factors that affect learning achievement in addition to discipline and student learning motivation factors, especially at the Vocational High School level.





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