Rudiyanto, Khoiruddin Bashori, Muhammad Samsudin

Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]





Ahlakul karimah (divine character) is the primary criterion for observing and evaluating the outward nature of a person, but various traits and characteristics of children cannot be separated from the influence of their parents or elders. In addition to being required to maintain their children's educational development, parents must be able to recognize and cultivate their children's potential and must not impose their will without first consulting them. Nonetheless, in the contemporary era, education faces increasingly complex obstacles, particularly as the world of online media devices becomes more accessible to the public. In order for a child to realize good morals, he or she must have a model to follow, and educational institutions are the key. This study aims to examine the position of Islamic boarding schools, which are prevalent in Indonesia, particularly on the island of Java, in relation to the level of students' honesty using a method based on emulation and advice from boarding school administrators. The method of this research is a descriptive-analytic qualitative research with a case study approach. The results of study show that the exemplary method in strengthening the values of honesty at the Darul Ulum Muhammadiyah Galur Islamic Boarding School includes two forms of the first method, namely directly through the words and behavior of the management and the second, which indirectly means through stories influence students’ characteristics.


Keywords: Ahlakul karimah: students’ integrity; Islamic boarding school


Received 30 May 2022, Revised 10 June 2022, Accepted 19 June 2022



Ahlakul karimah is the main parameter in viewing and analyzing a person's outward nature. However, various kinds of traits and characteristics of children also cannot be separated from the role of their parents or older people such as older siblings, uncles or other people who are above the age that a child will develop according to what is learned and obtained for that the example of more mature people is needed in order to support the character of a child so that it is under good morals and the teachings of Islam, especially children It is also a mandate from Allah SWT, safe is a deposit and every deposit will certainly be held accountable (Ilyas, 2016). Parents have a great responsibility for the success of their children's education, both worldly and religious general education, and parents also have to understand the task of humans living in the world, namely to worship Allah SWT, provide religious education, fulfill their clothing and food and meet their needs. formal education (Djazilan, Nafiah, & Hartatik, 2021).

Parents who are irresponsible and tend to be indifferent to their children's education will be a boomerang for both parents when they are still alive in the world and especially when the parents have died. The child's prayer is very important and awaited by parents when they are gone. A child in his development process needs a figure, an example from an adult, as his capital material in following social developments and as a benchmark in behaving as he grows older (Yuniar, Afifulloh, & Ertanti, 2020). However, often, a child is wrong in imitating or imitating a behavior carried out by adults, such as imitating dirty speech, cursing and especially smoking. For this reason, positive examples and advice from parents or older people are very important so that the child in the development process also becomes a child figure who has good character and character, but still a child needs an adult figure to be an example for a child, especially if a child is born in a holy condition or fitrah (H.M., 2000).

Moreover, parents are expected to provide exemplary portions according to the child's age and encourage children to be more active in doing good. By teaching religious knowledge and conveying the stories of the prophets, especially the story of the Prophet Muhammad, how he was an orphan at an early age, remained optimistic about working lawfully and had high spirits and did not despair if his parents succeeded in making Prophet Muhammad SAW an example for him. Then this is a tremendous success in line with a study that a good example or good example will greatly contribute to religious education and moral education as well as to fellow creatures (Khairiah & Madya, 2014).

However, in modern times, today's tough challenges in education are also more complex, especially in the world of gadgets which are increasingly free in their use to children. The impact of the process of imitating a child can also come from something seen in the surrounding environment. The digital world, cellphones, and television play a role. Active in this matter, the presence of adults also plays a role in this process. However, parents still play a serious role in this matter, do not let the media become a silent means of destroying the positive nature of the child's holy nature and the mentality of the child so that while it is still in the process of parental supervision, parents have the authority to see, check and regulate various components of technology. Moreover, books and so on that children consume so that if a child strays away from the positive nature of the parents, they can still direct it in the right direction. A child must also have an honest nature in this regard, and honest nature will not be possessed or even develop well in a child without the role of parents in instilling and exemplifying it (Pratiwi & Rusiadi, 2021).

Moreover, nowadays, the honesty value of children has decreased drastically, and there is no need to blame each other for this problem. Freedom to play with gadgets and the internet that easily accesses various things without parents knowing is very influential on a child's mentality. Moreover, when parents try to check, this is where the value of a child's honesty is at stake. If the child gets a good education and a good example from his parents, then he will tell the truth and what it is, whereas if a child does not get an example of the honest nature of his parents. Especially ignoring their children's education, it is certain that a child will tend to lie. Honesty will grow with example. The bad impact of not having honest nature is very much one which is corruption for an official whose childhood did not get a good example for him. The next impact of dishonesty is fraud. Nowadays, fraud cases are spreading through cyberspace, one of which recently happened, very disturbing and namely online lending, and the impact on victims is that some even commit suicide (Syafeie, 2020). A good example will affect a child's development, and the goods will also return to parents or adults who have taught and set a good example for a child. Based on the various phenomena mentioned above, it can be shown that in the process of facing the end of time life which is increasingly extraordinarily advanced, modern and has many challenges, a child needs an example to be followed in order to realize good morals and good educational institutions are the main keys. In this study, we will focus on the position of Islamic boarding schools, which are very numerous in Indonesia, especially on the island of Java, with the level of honesty of their students through an exemplary method and advice from boarding school administrators.

Santri who live in Islamic boarding schools are usually students who are far from their parents and live with people who at first are foreign to themselves, namely the administrators of the Islamic boarding school. Being a caregiver in an Islamic boarding school must be committed to having a positive nature, being ready to be a role model for his students, and being brave enough to be the main parents for all his students. However, sometimes a problem or problem comes from the students themselves, namely having less positive innate morals brought from previous education whether, from home, school or the environment, not a few students are lodged not because of the spirit to seek religious knowledge and improve themselves for the better but because negative nature that has gone too far so that it requires special handling and Islamic boarding schools are the main choice of parents, in this case.

Islamic boarding schools are non-formal educational institutions that have developed rapidly at this time, both in quality and quantity. In Indonesia, there are Islamic boarding schools from Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama or NU or other religious organizations. In formal education, there is a teacher as academic staff, so in a boarding school, there are administrators for the students. In terms of curriculum, Islamic boarding schools also have their curriculum. Several large Islamic boarding schools, such as the Gontor Islamic Boarding School in East Java, for example, already have a modern and advanced level of education; this dispels public opinion regarding the public opinion that education in Islamic boarding schools tends to be old-fashioned and backward (Street, n.d.). Islamic boarding schools combine two elements of education, namely world knowledge and religious knowledge, only that there is a much larger portion of religious education than worldly education as a non-formal educational institution that emphasizes aspects of religious education as its superior. Will have more positive behavior and manners than children not from the cottage, but this does not place the child outside the cottage as an aspect that lacks good manners. The role of administrators in forming positive behavior for students, especially honesty through exemplary and motivational methods, is very important because an administrator in a boarding school is the main beacon for the personality development of a student. One of the positive behaviors is honesty.

Honesty is an attitude that conveys everything as it is and should be. Because honest nature has been lost from a person, real destruction lives in front of the eyes. A dishonest people leader will also be a disaster for his community, and a dishonest family head will also make a family disharmonious. Due to the importance of honesty, researchers are interested in researching an Islamic boarding school in Kulon Progo which will be combined with a strategy through exemplary methods and advice from administrators by providing examples for students. By providing an example or example as well as motivation, an administrator in an Islamic boarding school has indirectly proven that he is also doing what he taught his students during his education at the Islamic boarding school. However, suppose the example is not directly proven only as a theory. In that case, it is not enough for a santri to believe and agree with the theory that the administrator has conveyed in a lesson (Imbrişcă & Toma, 2020). Exemplary is a very good trait and is an attitude of a character that the Prophet Muhammad SAW has also exemplified since he was born until he was appointed as an Apostle and until the end of his life the nature of exemplary he always taught his friends us his people. The example of a teacher towards his students is also an obligation that must be done as an educator, the head of the family towards his family members and community leaders towards the community. We should not, as the main character, set a bad example.

In this imitation phase, cooperation between the family and the community is needed. A child will imitate and see the behavior of adults around him. For that, we need an idol or model that is following good behavior and deserves to be imitated to increase faith in Allah SWT then. This is following the various conclusions of scientists that positive examples contribute to religious education, and the most important thing is that there is continuous cooperation between the community and the government and various parties to achieve success, both success in the world of education and other successes such as togetherness between government educational institutions. Moreover, collaboration with others will facilitate a goal of success, such as applying the exemplary method. However, in reality, there are not a few students who have a less commendable nature, and in this study, the researchers focused on one of the characters, honesty.

Seeing the current phenomenon, in the process of educating children to become good honest individuals, they will experience great challenges. Children need good examples and motivation to do better and to serve as role models for them in pursuing adult and social life. Moreover, education in this pandemic period is where children are legalized to play with gadgets because of the learning process. In addition, Islamic boarding schools also need a comfortable place to support the success of the learning process both in religious learning and life learning because, with comfortable and supportive conditions, educational goals will be easy to achieve. Especially for a santri who lives in an Islamic boarding school, the need for a cleric or cleric figure as an example in various aspects of life is very necessary. A santri who has consciously lived in a boarding school to explore religious knowledge is, of course, far from his parents, where a santri will certainly look for a figure to be used as an imitation or example that he will follow in adapting to a new environment for him, namely the Islamic boarding school.

 As an administrator, it would be nice to make the Prophet Muhammad SAW the main example in setting an example to his students because there is a very good role model in him. As an administrator who uses this exemplary method, he must accept a consequence, namely that he must be able to carry out daily life in a good and proper way to be an example for his students and must be strong in facing various kinds of temptations. Because if it is wrong to entrust children's education to the wrong Islamic boarding school, it is not impossible that it will greatly affect the mindset of the santri and is far from the main characteristics of a santri. Darul Ulum Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School Galur Kulon Progo is a boarding school or non-formal educational institution that has been around for a long time and has given birth to various Muhammadiyah figures at both regional and national levels, one of which is ARFahruddin, so it is interesting for us to conduct research related to exemplary methods and advice. Administrators to strengthen the values of honesty for their students. In the learning process, Darul Ulum Muhammadiyah Galur Islamic Boarding School uses various methods, one of which is by example.

Moreover, in his daily education, he prioritizes the principle of kinship. An appropriate method, namely the exemplary method and advice, is expected to strengthen the values of honesty in students, and it is hoped that students will be able to obtain idol figures whose virtues can be imitated and practiced in everyday life. Exemplary, advice and honesty are daily teachings for students at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Muhammadiyah Galur Kulon Progo. Based on the description above, this study aims to examine further the strategy's success in cultivating the honesty values of students by usatd and kyai (teacher) through a method of exemplary and motivation. Furthermore, the objectives of this research are; 1) to find out strategies to strengthen the honesty values of students through the exemplary method and advice from the management at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Muhammadiyah Galur Kulon Progo, and 2) to find out what are the problems with strategies to strengthen the honesty values of students through the exemplary method and advice from the administrators at the Islamic boarding school Darul Ulum Muhammadiyah Galur Kulon Progo, and 3) to find out efforts to overcome problems in strategies to strengthen the honesty values of students through exemplary methods and advice from the management at Darul Ulum Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School Galur Kulon Progo.



A.  This type of research

The type of this research is descriptive analytical qualitative research with a case study approach described to understand the meaning of a text (Sugiyono, 2019). A qualitative approach is the main choice in this research. To be used to find out and find the meaning of an understanding related to events in a specific setting (Moleong, 2021). In Pondok Pesantren Darul Ulum Muhammadiyah Karangsewu, 'Descriptive approach is used in this study, an approach or research that does not test hypotheses only describes a variable or a situation as it is. Having a purpose and collecting valid and accurate information related to social phenomena is the meaning of descriptive research.

The object of research as the main object is Ustadz and students at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Muhammadiyah Karangsewu Galur Kulon Progo. And as a research source. These considerations are based on visibility To develop a value of honesty. Informants or sources of information are samples in a qualitative study, and this is because qualitative research does not use a population but a sample. In determining the source of the informant based on various considerations, certain objectives were selected purposively (Sugiyono, 2019). Then the researcher determines the research sources from others as an addition or complement so that the accuracy of the data can be obtained.

B.  Data Collection Techniques

1.  Observation

This method is intended to be able to find out general information regarding the Darul Ulum Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School through the condition of students, caregivers, ustad and geographical environment, as well as the learning process as well as knowing the source of field data to determine how the exemplary method is implemented in the Pondok Pesantren environment.

2.  Interview

This method uses clear, weighty and flexible questions (Ghony & Almanshur, 2012). Interview techniques can be carried out by recording and recording information obtained from interview sources (A. Kurniawan, 2018). The researcher will prepare some guidelines for conducting an interview that serves as a medium to facilitate obtaining clear and valid data or information.



3.  Documentation

The documentation method is used to obtain accurate information from existing documents, such as the history of the founding of the Darul Ulum Muhammadiyah Karangsewu Islamic Boarding School, the vision and mission, the number of students, the number of caregivers/managers, and the existing infrastructure.


C.  Data Validity Test

1.  Extends the process of the presence

Researcher as a research instrument. Therefore, the presence of researchers is not only in a short time due to collecting accurate and credible data. Researchers have tried to extract information from an informant source, one of the ustadz, who is a caregiver at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School, Muhammadiyah Karangsewu Galur.

2.  Perseverance in conducting research

Researchers conducted research diligently to test the credibility of the data on ustadz, caregivers and students at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School, Muhammadiyah Karangsewu. Both include learning at the Pondok and their daily lives and the characteristics of the santri in the Pondok.

3.  Triangulation of data

In this study, the triangulation of data sources consists of place, subject and time of research. Triangulation method by comparing interviews, documentation, and observations. Data triangulation is carried out to see the suitability of the theories, interviews, documentation and observations (A. Kurniawan, 2018). In this study, researchers combine various data collection techniques and existing data sources. Researchers collect data by triangulation to make it easier to obtain valid data that can be accounted for and must be credible.



A.  The application of the exemplary method at the Darul Ulum Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School in Galur Kulon Progo, Special Region of Yogyakarta

A person's life will not be separated from what is called "imitating" or imitating a behavior carried out by other individuals. This phase is the stage where a person's development will be formed. Moreover, in the context of education, the imitation phase is where parents play an important role as an example that will be imitated by children, with no exception for children or students who live in Islamic boarding schools. The most influential people in Islamic boarding schools will be used as role models or main figures to be imitated in various ways by their students. This is because a board member in a boarding school represents the figure of parents in a household.

Therefore, an administrator in a boarding school must always behave well, following what has been taught to his students. Moreover, making the Prophet Muhammad SAW the main role model in various ways is something that an administrator in a boarding school must apply. This is because there has been an extraordinary role model in the Prophet Muhammad SAW, following the Qur'an surah Al-Ahzab Verse 21:

"Indeed, the Messenger of Allah has been a good role model for you (that is) for those who hope (Rahmad) from Allah and (the coming of) the Day of Judgment, and he mentions Allah a lot."

" Rasulullah SAW as the main role model for humanity. A good person in Rasulullah SAW must be displayed by and applied by an administrator in a boarding school. The Messenger of Allah displayed good qualities even with those who hated him, and he still showed a main and friendly nature. For this reason, it is proper for a caregiver, administrator, or teacher in an Islamic boarding school to behave in a manner that reflects the personality of the Prophet Muhammad SAW so that a student will not lose his groove when he is later declared to have graduated from the Islamic boarding school.

1.  Direct application of the exemplary method.

Often students or children imitate the behavior exhibited by administrators in an Islamic boarding school or people who are more mature or bigger. In this case, the behavior, actions or words of the administrator in a boarding school will be imitated by the students when they see it. At this moment, the process of instilling exemplary values ​​by the administrators of the Islamic Boarding School in their students takes place. Moreover, it is hoped that the students will only imitate the good behavior of the boarding school administrators. As for the interview with Mr. H. Daliman, S.Ag as the director and main manager of the Darul Ulum Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School in Galur Kulon Progo, according to him:

"As a parent to those in this Islamic Boarding School and the elders here, of course, I will act responsibly. Be careful and behave well because every behavior and action I do will get the attention of the students and the possibility of being imitated is very large for that. I have to behave well, and this is also a method for me to set a good example, for example, saying greetings when going to or going home, putting on sandals, getting up on time, praying in congregation at the mosque, speaking politely and dressing neatly (Daliman, 2022).

This is reinforced by continuous observations made in the Darul Ulum Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School dormitory in Galur Kulon Progo. The students, before and after returning from formal school, always greet while kissing the hands of the administrators and say goodbye in polite language. The students also always dress politely and neatly when they go to school. This reflects that the students have made the administrators of the Islamic Boarding School parents they respect in the Islamic Boarding School. Likewise, when they arrive at the mosque, they also always arrange their sandals neatly, and it is very easy for the worshipers when they want to go home from worshiping in the mosque (Observasi, 2022a).

In giving influence that aims to implement good things, there are two forms of influence:

a)    Spontaneous influence

The management realizes that they do not know when and where the students will imitate the behavior he does. Therefore he always thinks carefully and encourages students to follow the good things he does. The interview with Mr. H. Daliman, S.Ag as the administrator of the Darul Ulum Muhammadiyah Galur Islamic Boarding School, is as follows:

“I always teach students to be able to speak smooth Javanese. Even though some of the students here are from outside Java, so that all of them can speak smooth Javanese, I do not hesitate to speak smooth Javanese when talking to them” (Daliman, 2022).

This is reinforced by the results of interviews with a male student named Muhammad Isa Al-Hakam, a student from Lampung. He stated:

"The administrators always use the smooth Javanese language with me, even though I have a bit of difficulty knowing the meaning and meaning. Sometimes I have to ask and study with friends who understand in detail the fine Javanese language. And thank God, little by little I can understand even though it is still difficult when I want to recite it” (Al-Hakam, 2022).

This is also reinforced by the results of observations at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Muhammadiyah Galur dormitory. From the results of these observations, it was found that almost all students, when permitted to leave the boarding school environment by the administrators, always used smooth Javanese language (Observasi, 2022d).

b)   Deliberate influence

In setting an example or role model for students, the administrator must first teach about the good things that will be exemplified. It aims to teach students always to imitate good things. The results of the interview with Ustadz Didin Saprudin, the administrator and teacher at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Muhammadiyah Galur:

“Students don't always understand what we want to model for them. Therefore, we need to give examples to them so that they understand. An example is teaching them that when walking in front of older people, we must pay respects by bowing our heads and we must continue to inform and teach students that this is a reflection of paying respect to older people” (Saprudin, 2022).

This is reinforced by the observations of female students when they come home from school and meet the researchers, and they automatically bow their heads and pay their respects while saying greetings (Observasi, 2022b).

  1. The application of the exemplary method indirectly

Often students do not just make what they see daily as something to be imitated. However, sometimes, the things he hears can motivate him to do the same. Because if the child finds it interesting and fun, then indirectly, the child will do the same thing as what was told to him.

The results of the interview with Mr. H. Daliman, S.Ag as the administrator of the Darul Ulum Muhammadiyah Galur Islamic Boarding School are as follows (Daliman, 2022):

“I always tell my life experiences and successful people to the students. I hope that the students are motivated to achieve their goals and have high spirits, never give up and are always enthusiastic even though they are far away and have even been abandoned by their biological parents either due to death or home."

brokenUstadz Edi Kurniawan, as a teacher at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Muhammadiyah Galur Kulon Progo:

"Mr. H. Daliman, S.Ag always gives us direction so that when teaching the students to insert some motivation and advice about life, either in the form of a story or a story. own personal experience” (E. Kurniawan, 2022).

In the results of observations with a student named Aida Nur Aini, that she always wanted to add to her memorization of the Al-Qur'an because she was motivated and always got advice from the boarding school administrators and that she also wanted to memorize 30 juz so that she could get a free college scholarship (Observasi, 2022c).

  1. Application of the Exemplary Method in Strengthening the Honesty Values ​​of students at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School, Muhammadiyah Galur.

Parents will educate their children by setting an example of good things. Parents will have great hopes for their children to grow and develop, accompanied by good morals or morality. Likewise, the administrators in an Islamic boarding school also try their best so that the students who study at the Islamic boarding school have good morals that can lead students to become better, pious and pious individuals following what the Prophet Muhammad SAW has exemplified.

The results of interviews about exemplary methods and advice in forming the honesty values ​​of students at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Muhammadiyah Galur are as follows:

 "I always teach students to always keep their words. Because if they want to keep their word, people will be easy to give a belief. Besides that, they will also be easy to get along with, make friends and I also always say that it is not easy to make promises, if they are not easy to keep” (Daliman, 2022).

 The results of interviews with several other administrators at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Muhammadiyah Galur are as follows:

"I always include advice in every teaching session, especially those related to morals, both morals towards fellow humans and other creatures created by Allah SWT. And several times I have conveyed behind the success story of someone that honesty plays a very important role in the success process, and that can be used as a real example for students to always be honest, good when communicating, worshiping, and doing work” (Musthofa, 2022).

Santri will be easy to behave honestly if the environment around them is also supportive. So, I always try to behave honestly. If I make a promise, I will do my best to keep it. Besides that, I will also give advice if there are students who are caught lying or are caught violating the regulations in Islamic boarding schools so that they can be handled quickly and not spread to other students” (Mulyana, 2022).

"I am here as an administrator, of course, I will always teach and direct things that are good and positive, and will give reprimands, both subtle and non-subtle to students who commit violations, both minor and serious violations. And in every learning process I also always give advice to the students to always prioritize doing good over bad and for students who make mistakes to immediately close the mistake with kindness and promise and try my best not to do it again" (Interview, 2022).

The results of interviews with several students at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Muhammadiyah Galur are as follows:

"We are happy with Mr. H. Daliman, S.Ag. He always cares for his students and does not discriminate against his students. He was never angry even though sometimes we students also violated the rules. He was always patient and often gave us advice. So, we are not afraid to admit our mistakes. For example, when one of the students woke up late and did not perform the morning prayer in the congregation at the mosque, the board of directors did not give punishment but gave subtle but very touching advice to our hearts and once again asked us not to repeat similar actions so as not to become a bad habit in the future" (Apriansyah, 2020).

"Every time I want to go to school, I always say goodbye first and shake hands and don't forget to say hello to the administrators of the Islamic Boarding School besides being taught to act like that, we also feel more comfortable and peaceful by doing these positive routine activities" (Fadila, 2020).

This is reinforced by the results of observations made during the learning process at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Muhammadiyah Galur. Every time the Islamic Boarding School Board of Directors finishes providing teaching knowledge to their students. They deliver the closing by adding a piece of advice to their students. The students then listened very solemnly to the administrator's delivery, but some students also seemed engrossed in chatting with several other students (Observasi, 2022e).


B.  Application of the Exemplary Method and Advice from Management at the Darul Ulum Muhammadiyah Galur Islamic Boarding School in Galur to Strengthen the Values ​​of Honesty

The exemplary method that has been applied at the Darul Ulum Muhammadiyah Galur Islamic Boarding School is a method that has the aim of forming a good character for its students. The exemplary method at Pondok Pesantren Darul Ulum Muhammadiyah Galur aims to form honest morals where honesty is a trait that can foster other good behavior, and this was continued very well by the administrators of Pondok Pesantren in Darul Ulum Muhammadiyah Galur to be imitated, followed and implemented to become a habit in life.

1.  Stages of Application of the Exemplary Method

a)     Preparation for the application of the exemplary method

For the direct application of the exemplary method, Mr. H. Daliman, S.Ag, only did what he usually did. He carries out all activities with proper attention to Islamic law. He realized that his students would imitate his behavior, so he always acted more carefully in various things.

As for the preparation of exemplary indirect methods, he uses stories that contain good advice from his own experience or the successful experiences of other people he has met many times. He also often inserts popular stories that are already known to the students.

b)   The application of the exemplary method

The application of the exemplary method starts from small things that are sometimes considered light by most people, and this aims to foster personal discipline in the students. An example is getting up in the morning on time before the Fajr prayer and in congregation at the mosque.

From the results of interviews with the students, Mr. H. Daliman, S.Ag, often invites the students to get up on time and try their best to carry out the Fajr prayer in the congregation at the mosque. Likewise, the results of interviews with the Darul Ulum Muhammadiyah Galur Islamic Boarding School administrators said that Mr. H. Daliman, S.Ag, often wakes up before dawn to invite the students to get up so they can attend congregational prayers at the mosque. He invites the students and sets an example that he does what he has taught his students.

There are two types of exemplary methods applied at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School, Muhammadiyah Galura, namely:

1)   Directly behavior of the management directly within the Islamic Boarding School)

This exemplary method is a form where all the words and behavior of the administrators in the Pondok Pesantren environment become a good example for the students. The administrators and Ustad are always expected to display good behavior in the hope that the students will imitate it to become a habit. The daily behavior displayed by Mr. H. Daliman, S.Ag, is not only to be an example to the students but also to be responsible before Allah SWT as His servant.

From the results of observations and interviews, the example of the administrators at the Darul Ulum Muhammadiyah Galur Islamic Boarding School to the students starts from small things such as saying greetings, arranging sandals, getting up on time, praying in congregation, speaking politely, and always wearing neat clothes. . By often doing small things, it is hoped that they will be able to influence the students so that students will get used to doing them. It is from these small things that big things will surely follow.

As seen from the influence, there are two forms of influence, namely:

a)   Spontaneous influence

Exemplary can take place spontaneously or unintentionally. This example cannot be planned. This form comes entirely from the personal management of the Islamic Boarding School. The management always controls their behavior as a form of submission to Allah SWT and as a form of their accountability in the future before Allah SWT. This can be a barometer for teaching good things to the students.

In the results of observations and interviews, the administrators got used to the smooth Javanese language. Even for students from outside Java, even though the Boarding School administrators also use soft Javanese language as their daily communication language, the students from outside Java slowly but surely begin to understand the meaning of each subtle Javanese pronunciation and try to pronounce it but still with their native dialect.

c)   Deliberate influence

Deliberate exemplary is a way for administrators to provide instruction and direction to students to understand good behavior better. This example is given implicitly through a word and a direct example applied by the board of the Islamic Boarding School.

In the results of observations and interviews, giving the influence of exemplary deliberately is aimed at understanding the students. The students are taught to respect their parents when sitting and standing by bowing their heads and bowing and greeting when passing or passing in front of older people.

2)   Non- indirectly/ through a story or advice

The exemplary method indirectly is to provide an example through stories or life experiences to become an example for the students. The stories or experiences told by the Boarding School administrators can provide a new spirit to achieve what is contained in the story that has been told or, more broadly.

Based on the results of observations and interviews that the influence given indirectly to the students made them motivated to achieve a goal similar to what was conveyed through stories that they found interesting and motivating. With these stories or stories, the administrators use them as a medium of evaluation for the students, and the students also capture the meaning of the stories conveyed so that they have a picture or concept in their life.          


2.   The Application of the Exemplary Method in Developing the Values ​​of Honesty

The example given by parents has a great influence on the morals of a child. Likewise, for children who do not live with their parents, the adults around them become an important factor in developing their morals. The example in question is certainly an example that teaches good behavior. An example is an honest behavior.

The results of observations and interviews that exemplary in strengthening the values ​​of honesty in students at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Muhammadiyah Galur. There are several important points, namely:

a)     An honest attitude to students can be developed by teaching them always to keep their words or words. By keeping their word, they will gain the trust of others. As a result, people will have more confidence in themselves in various ways.

b)     Honesty in students develops because they are motivated through good stories and honesty. By listening to stories and advice, they better understand the meaning of honesty which they can implement in their daily lives.

c)     An honest attitude to students will develop if the environment supports them always to be honest. With a good example from the people around them, gradually, the students will get used to doing good behavior, including being honest and honest.

d)     Honesty in students will develop if students are allowed to change. Panism is indeed sometimes a deterrent for students who make a mistake. However, if students feel pressured because of panism or threats, it will only make them uncomfortable, so their opportunities to be dishonest will be very open. With advice and in a good way, students will be more open and easy to change and slowly, their honest nature will be formed.

e)     An honest attitude to students will be formed if they are given trust. Trust will increase motivation for students to be honest. They will be more comfortable in carrying out their daily activities, and the opportunity to make problems becomes less.



B.    The Problem of Application of Exemplary Methods and Advice in Strengthening the Values ​​of Honesty at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School, Muhammadiyah Galur

            In every implementation of a method, of course, there will be an obstacle, problem, or factor that hinders the running of the method. The problems experienced in applying the exemplary method to strengthen the values ​​of honesty at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Muhammadiyah Galur are as follows:

1.  Students’ Factors

a)   The diverse characteristics of students

     Each child certainly has a character that is different from one another. Including students who live in the Darul Ulum Muhammadiyah Galur Islamic Boarding School. With different cultural backgrounds, they have diverse characteristics. At the beginning of being at the Islamic Boarding School, the students did not yet know the rules that existed in the Islamic Boarding School. However, over time, they began to get used to the rules. This diversity of nature and character also greatly strengthens the honesty values ​​of students at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Muhammadiyah Galur. Some students are quick to respond, easy to adapt, and easy to absorb the good things that the Pondok administrators have taught. Some must be repeatedly given regarding good things. As for these diverse characteristics, the board of Islamic boarding schools will respond wisely because each student has different characteristics, let alone different regions.

b)   Bad habits of students when they are still living with their parents.

Every human being always begins to adapt to his new environment. However, they may find it difficult to change their behavior from the old place to the new place. Sometimes habits in the old place become obstacles. When you have to be in a new place, and the majority is difficult to change your bad habits, and When it clashes with the regulations of the Islamic Boarding School, there will be new problems that require a deeper process and time. For example, when in an old place they are not accustomed to getting up in the morning to perform the Fajr prayer in congregation, it will be very difficult for students who are not accustomed to performing the Fajr prayer, especially for those who do not perform the five daily prayers at all, the habituation process will require a more systematic process more deeply.

2. Environmental Factors

Problems originating from environmental factors are very broad in scope. As stated in the previous chapter. A child who has found a bad figure, especially an idol in himself, will also tend to be bad. Maybe in the Pondok Pesantren environment, students will find good figures, but this will not apply when students have left the Pondok Pesantren environment. for example, in schools or the community, there is a possibility that students will be affected by these unfavorable figures. For example, a student at a boarding school who has never known a smoker does not rule out the possibility that at school, he is friends with friends who smoke mostly and the possibility of being influenced to participate in smoking is also very large.

Another environmental problem is the influence of television viewing habits on students. Television, a good medium of information for humans and students, can also be bad information for students. Negative impressions of revealing genitalia shown on television can also be a bad motivational figure for students to participate in implementing it in their lives. Not a few programs that are not educating are played repeatedly on television shows. This can make a student's memorization directly or indirectly disappear from his memory. Watching television is not prohibited. It is just that it would be better if you only consume television shows of value and the need for assistance by parents or administrators so that good self-control occurs when watching television shows.


D.    Efforts to Overcome Problems in Application of Exemplary Methods and Advice in Strengthening the Values ​​of Honesty in Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Muhammadiyah Galur

Efforts made to overcome the problem of applying the exemplary method include the following:

1.  Students’ Factors

a)   Trying to understand the differences like students.

              Each student has their characteristics and traits. In this case, the board of the Islamic boarding school tries to understand all kinds of differences in the characteristics of the students they manage. Moreover, the administrator should not feel burdened with differences in the nature and character of the students he manages. An administrator must act fairly between one student and another. This will make the administrators calmer in handling and teaching the students.

b)   Always remind students to get rid of bad habits at home.

              After equipping the administrators with an understanding of the diversity of the nature of their students, the next step is to remind and help students get rid of bad habits while still in their homes. The administrators are not tired of giving advice and approaching the students individually to get used to something good, positive and Islamic law and start to leave various bad habits that violate Islamic law.

In addition, the administrators can provide positive activities that can make the students gradually eliminate the bad habits they brought from home. It also serves to build closeness between administrators and students.

2.  Environmental factors

In overcoming problems from outside the boarding school management environment, it can provide an understanding of good and bad things in the environment around students. This effort aims to overcome and fortify the students themselves from the bad influence of the environment, which at any time can become a very serious threat. Not a few things that are not good in the environment or the wider world will be encountered by the students. Providing direction on what is good and bad, at least it can be a provision in sorting out the influences that enter a student who comes from around his environment.



The exemplary method in strengthening the values of honesty at the Darul Ulum Muhammadiyah Galur Islamic Boarding School includes two forms of the first method, namely directly through the words and behavior of the management and the second, which indirectly means through stories that are expected to be able to provide advice life and as a view in attitude when they have left the Islamic Boarding School and have plunged into the world of society so that they have a strong foundation and are not easily shaken, especially in positive things. Meanwhile, the stories conveyed by the Board of Islamic Boarding School administrators are sourced from both the personal stories of the administrators and the stories of other people or figures both nationally and internationally to provide an overview of the facts in the delivery of exemplary methods, especially stories related to the process of strengthening honesty. . In the process of developing exemplary methods to strengthen the values of honesty, namely spontaneously and intentionally. Spontaneously it means that students imitate honest behavior that has been taught and shown directly by the boarding school administrators, while intentionally, it is that students get advice and motivation obtained from stories related to the process of strengthening honesty values.

The problem that becomes an obstacle in the strategy process of strengthening honesty values through exemplary methods and advice at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Muhammadiyah Galur is a problem that starts from the students themselves and problems that come from the home environment where the students live and in handling them requires a process that is not short and differs between the personal problems of the students themselves and problems that come from their environment.

In overcoming problems that become obstacles in the strategy process of strengthening honesty values through exemplary methods and advice at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Muhammadiyah Galur, it takes several efforts, both problems that come from the students themselves and problems that come from the environment where they live. Efforts to overcome problems from personal self are for the administrators to understand that there are very significant differences between individual students from one and not to forget to advise the students to eliminate bad habits from their homes. As for problems that come from the environment, it is to provide an understanding of good and bad things in the environment around students, both specifically and in general, so that they are expected to be able to become self-fortresses while in the community.




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