Achmad Pahrul Rodji1, Novi Rukhviyanti2, Sepryhatin Dioputra3

Krisnadwipayana University, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia1

STMIK IM Bandung, West Java, Indonesia2,3

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]




Kinesthetic-based physical education learning has an excellent opportunity to develop multiple intelligences in students at school. Physical education carried out in schools can help students improve motor skills, health, fitness, character formation, personality, and discipline, and instill the values ​​of honesty, cooperation, and responsibility. Currently, the reality of teachers in the field does not understand the role of physical education in the educational process, and most teachers argue that sport is only for maintaining health and has not yet reached the role of physical education in supporting the development of children's intelligence. This study aimed to see how far the implementation of physical education in improving kinesthetic intelligence in Madrasah Ibtidayyah (MI) Al-Firdaus and MI Yanuri is through a management approach. In particular, this study describes the principles of management theory, including: (1) planning, (2) organizing, (3) implementing, and (4) evaluating physical education and its relationship with kinesthetic intelligence using management theory from GR Terry and Howard Gardner's theory of kinesthetic intelligence. This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach and data collection by conducting observations, interviews, and documentation studies. The study results indicate that the management of physical education in fostering kinesthetic intelligence in the two Madrasah Ibtidaiyah has been carried out by adjusting the existing theoretical principles and concepts. However, its implementation still has obstacles, especially in the facilities and infrastructure supporting physical education learning.


Keywords: Physical education; kinesthetic intelligence; management


Received 24 May 2022, Revised 27 May 2022, Accepted 30 May 2022



Education at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) is a formal education organized to help lay the foundation for development in all aspects before entering junior high school. MI age is a sensitive age to receive stimuli and is very decisive for the development of children in the future. Implementation of lessons in elementary schools is no exception at MI and cannot be separated from the curriculum reference. One of the objectives of the curriculum at MI is to support children's growth and development, including the development of multiple intelligences, which include language, logic-mathematics, spatial, physical-motor, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic.

The theory of multiple intelligences consists of linguistic intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, visual-spatial intelligence, musical intelligence, kinesthetic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, and naturalist intelligence (Howard, 1993). As explained in Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System Chapter 1 Article 1 paragraph 14, Early childhood education is an effort to provide stimulation to children from the age of birth to the age of six years to help the growth and development of the child's physical and spiritual so that children have physical and psychological readiness to receive learning at a higher level of education (UU, 2003).

This is reinforced by the 1945 Constitution Article 31 paragraph 1, which states: "Every citizen has the right to receive instruction" (UUD, 1945). The above the law implies that all citizens have the right to receive education from birth until whenever. Early childhood education must be prepared in a planned manner to develop various aspects of development that include moral and religious values, physical, motoric, cognitive, language, social-emotional and artistic. These six aspects of development will develop optimally if the stimulation is appropriate to the child's stage of growth and development. The development of multiple intelligences in children as early as possible needs to be done. Multiple intelligences are complex body abilities and are needed in various aspects of life in the future. Parents have made many efforts so that their children can be intelligent so that they can be proud in the future, and so is the world of education, including physical education in schools. The learning process in physical education in schools uses a lot of physical activities carried out both in closed and open rooms.

Kinesthetic intelligence or physical intelligence is the ability to use the whole body and its components to solve a problem, make something, use several kinds of products, and coordinate body and mind to perfect physical appearance (Gardner, 2011). Kinesthetic is physical intelligence. Physical intelligence is the ability to use both the mind and body simultaneously to achieve any desired goal. Kinesthetic intelligence enables humans to establish meaningful connections between mind and body, thereby enabling the body to manipulate objects and create movement. This intelligence includes talent in controlling body movements and skills in handling objects.

Kinesthetic-based physical education is one of the choices in the learning process because the movement process requires coordination of the nervous and muscle systems and motion controllers to display the beauty and communicate messages through the beauty of motion. Kinesthetic intelligence includes elements of physical skills such as coordination, agility, strength, flexibility, balance, endurance, and power. In human physiology, kinesthetic (kinesthesia) means the sense of motion, which is part of the movement of bones through joints. Children who have high kinesthetic intelligence will be able to integrate coordination between nerves and muscles simultaneously to achieve one goal. As a central regulator and basis of one's intelligence, Neurodevelopment is no exception for multiple intelligences.

One management model that can be used to implement physical education in fostering the kinesthetic intelligence of students at Madrasah Ibtidayyah includes Planning, Organizing, Actuating, and Controlling (POAC); thus, a systematic process is needed in the form of Management (Terry, 2010).

Therefore, efforts to improve the quality of physical education in the future need physical education teachers to understand the concept of multiple intelligences. In order to carry out their profession well, physical education itself has a unique character, which uses the body as a tool for learning. Physical education lessons' teaching and learning activities are very different in their implementation from learning other subjects. Physical education is education through physical activity. By participating in physical activity, students can master skills and knowledge, develop aesthetic appreciation, develop genetic skills and positive attitude values, and improve the physical condition to achieve educational goals."

Based on the background of the problem above, in general, this study aims to see how the implementation of physical education improves the kinesthetic intelligence of students at Madrasah Ibtidayyah (MI) Al-Firdaus and MI Yanuri through a management approach. In particular, this study describes the principles of management theory, including (1) planning, (2) organizing, (3) implementing, and (4) evaluating physical education learning to improve students' kinesthetic intelligence.



The research method used is descriptive qualitative, which describes or describes the situation in the field by photographing and presenting the data as it is and interpreting the correlation as an existing factor that applies, including the point of view or the ongoing process (Sugiyono, 2005).

The subjects in this study were the Principal, Class Teacher, and Physical Education Teacher. Research location in Madrasah Ibtidaiyyah (MI) Al-Firdaus and MI Yanuri. The research subjects in the two schools were principals, classroom teachers, and physical education teachers. They collected data by conducting observations, interviews, and documentation studies with purposive sampling and validation of research results.



Learning Physical management education in improving students' kinesthetic intelligence cannot be separated from the principles and functions of management that must be carried out systematically in two Madrasah Ibtidayyah (MI) Al-Firdaus and MI Yanuri Bandung. The description is as follows:



Figure 1. Diagram of the Management Function of Physical Education Learning Management in Fostering Kinesthetic Intelligence to increase student independence


Planning (plan) means the management of physical education learning in fostering kinesthetic intelligence to increase student independence. Planning is the selection and linking of facts and the making and using of assumptions for the future by describing and formulating the activities needed to achieve the expected results (Sukarna, 2011). Physical education taught in schools has a significant role, namely providing opportunities for students to be directly involved in various learning experiences through systematically selecting physical, sports, and health activities. However, a deep and thorough understanding of the concept alone is not enough to be able to teach physical education effectively. Teachers must also understand learning methods. Several learning methods must be carried out to manage physical education learning to foster kinesthetic intelligence to increase students' independence. The method applied at MI Al Firdaus and MI Yanuri is the Student Activity Based Learning (PBAS) method, namely, student activities optimally to obtain learning outcomes in a balanced mix of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects as well as the method (Learning Approach), which is a plan or pattern that can be used to design teaching patterns face-to-face in the classroom or arrange tutorials to determine learning materials or devices.

This planning is carried out in two schools to implement physical education learning in fostering kinesthetic intelligence at MI Al Firdaus and MI Yanuri, starting with preparing a learning plan to make a syllabus, RPP (Learning Implementation Plan), RPH (Daily Learning Plan), supporting media learning, as well as preparing the conditions of students. The learning planning process at MI Al Firdaus and MI Yanuri begins with a Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) containing arrangements relating to estimates or projections of what will be done during teaching and learning activities. In planning learning, teachers must be able to understand and describe the behavior or abilities that students already have before they get a lesson, as a description of the state of knowledge and skills of students concerning instructional goals where students will eventually acquire new behaviors or abilities by with instructional objectives to be achieved.

Organizing Physical Education Learning Management in Fostering Kinesthetic Intelligence to increase students' independence. Organizing Physical Education learning determines, groups, and compiles learning activities to achieve goals. Organizing is an activity to serve the process of activities by placing people who can achieve goals (Nana, 2004). Organizing physical education learning is an activity of determining, classifying, and compiling learning activities to achieve goals by placing people and providing the necessary infrastructure to carry out tasks. The curriculum developed and organized in physical education subjects has tutors or subject teachers who have relevant competency standards or competencies to carry out teaching and learning activities through the syllabus and lesson plans developed by the teachers. The suitable model, method, or learning technique for students depends on the teachers' competence in designing and organizing subject matter into the learning stages in the syllabus and lesson plans and the teaching materials used to support the enrichment of the learning process.

This organization is carried out at MI Al Firdaus and MI Yanuri to implement physical education learning in fostering kinesthetic intelligence. Before teaching, the teacher prepares learning tools through a curriculum that contains core Competency Standards and Basic Competencies. Physical education teachers must master the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that must be mastered by students and the level of mastery that is expected to be achieved during physical education learning. Basic Competencies are basic demands on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes demonstrated, displayed, or shown by students as learning outcomes. While in the scope of physical education are all activities carried out to develop physical, movement, mental, and social development.

Implementation (actuating) means Physical Education Learning Management in Fostering Kinesthetic Intelligence to increase students' independence. The learning method is a way to achieve learning goals expected by students in learning activities (Yuan, 2010). Implementation in management is the implementation process of planning and organizing in the form of real action from elements of organizational resources. Implementation can set all groups to desire earnestly to achieve the goals according to the leadership's planning and organizing efforts. Activities of educational institutions are learning activities or teaching and learning activities with a predetermined and organized plan, which is a standard process for school activities in carrying out the teaching and learning process, in which all school resources carry out activities and are utilized to achieve the learning objectives that have been set.

The implementation of learning is the implementation of the lesson plans that have been planned by the teacher, including (1) preliminary activities, namely activities before the subject matter is delivered, and (2) core activities, namely the ongoing learning process according to the models, methods, media, and learning resources used according to the characteristics of students and subjects, as well as the formation of competence attitudes, knowledge and skills of students, (3) closing activities, the teacher and students both individually and in groups conduct reflection to evaluate. The implementation of physical education learning strives to be carried out optimally at MI Al Firdaus and MI Yanuri. By looking at the important thing in its implementation, that is, everyone who is involved and feels motivated to do something if: (1) feels confident that they can do it, (2 ) the job provides benefits for him, (3) is not burdened by personal problems or other tasks that are more important, or urgent, (4) the task is a trust, and (5) relationships between friends in a harmonious organization to build an educational atmosphere conducive.

Evaluation (Evaluating) means Physical Education Learning Management in Fostering Kinesthetic Intelligence to increase students' independence. A teacher who teaches a particular subject will evaluate aspects of learning outcomes as specified in the curriculum, manuals, or particular objectives that must be achieved in the subjects taught (Nurkancana & Sumartana, 1986). Evaluation is a process of assessing the implementation of activities in learning according to those specified in the learning planning program. Thus, it can be said that evaluating means assessing student learning outcomes. In terms of evaluation, activities contain a broader understanding that requires a more precise instrument to collect data or information and a longer time in its implementation. Evaluation activities aim to determine (1) To what extent do students master the material that has been given, (2) To what extent are the abilities, tenacity, and ability of students towards the subject matter, and (3) What is the level of progress students are following the level of progress according to the work program, and (4) The degree of efficiency and effectiveness of the teaching strategies that have been used, both regarding methods and teaching and learning techniques (Arifin, 1991).

This evaluation of physical education learning is carried out at MI Al Firdaus and MI Yanuri by conducting a process assessment to assess the quality of learning and internalizing the character and formation of student competencies, including how learning objectives are realized. In this case, the process assessment is carried out to assess students' activity, creativity, and involvement in learning, primarily mental, emotional, and social involvement in the formation of competence and character of students.



By implementing physical education learning objectives through the vision, mission of the institution, programs, structures, strategies, supporting facilities, and infrastructure, as well as collaboration between institutions, educators, education staff, and parents MI Al Firdaus and MI Yanuri in Fostering Kinesthetic Intelligence to increase the independence of students through an approach to management principles carried out in a systematic, measurable and planned manner so that the objectives of the implementation of physical education learning can be achieved. In the application of the management results, it can be described as follows:

Planning and organizing is a crucial initial stage of physical education learning in fostering kinesthetic intelligence to increase students' independence as a determinant of the success of the implementation of physical education learning for students. Then, with the results of the implementation of the learning, an evaluation is carried out so that the learning objectives can be achieved.

In its implementation, the principles and functions of management have been carried out quite well and systematically. However, the teacher has not fully supported them, so the process and implementation of learning management in Physical education in fostering the kinesthetic intelligence of students is still centered on physical education teachers.





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