Novi Ruhviyanti1*, Sepryhatin
Dioputra2, Achmad Pahrul Rodji3
1*,2STMIK IM Bandung, West
Java, Indonesia1,2
University, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia3
Department of Management,
University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia
Email: [email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
Keywords |
Financial perspective, customer
perspective, internal business process perspective Learning and growth
perspective, Private Higher Education Performance |
The role of private
universities in improving quality must accommodate all aspects of the
performance of the tridharma of higher education. The rapid development of
higher education institutions must be ready to change, changes that occur in
the global business environment also trigger the increasing intensity of
competition between higher education service providers, so that each higher
education service provider will try to offer high performance higher
education services. The purpose of this research is to see how far the
implementation of BSC in improving the performance of private universities.
Specifically, this study describes four perspectives, including: (1)
financial perspective, (2) customer perspective, (3) Internal business
process perspective, (4) learning and growth perspective. Using the theory of
Robert Kaplan and David Norton. This study uses a descriptive method with a
qualitative approach and data collection by conducting observations,
interviews, and documentation studies. From the research results indicate
that the implementation of the BSC has been applied in a systematic,
measurable and planned manner so that the Vision, Mission and objectives are
achieved. In implementation there is a balance between financial and
non-financial. |
development of education in Indonesia is currently very fast, this does not
necessarily affect the improvement of the quality and quality of higher
education. As stated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 12 of 2012
concerning Higher Education, which explains that higher education is an
educational unit that organizes higher education (UU, 2012). The rapid
development of higher education institutions must be ready to change, changes
that occur in the global business environment also trigger the increasing
intensity of competition between higher education service providers, so that
each higher education service provider will try to offer high performance
higher education services. Education is a secondary need, education still has a
very important meaning, because without human education it will be difficult to
develop and even become a backward group and good morals.
role of Private University (PTS) in
order to improve quality must accommodate all aspects of the performance of the
tridharma of higher education. Universities compete with each other to develop
all their potential and abilities to attract prospective students. This
competitive ability is strongly influenced by the performance of the university
management concerned in planning-oriented strategies in order to build high
competitiveness and the performance of the university can be seen from the
quality of the accreditation it has.
education accreditation status is very decisive for prospective students in
choosing a place to study because accreditation status is always associated
with the quality of higher education administration. Regulation of the National
Accreditation Board for Higher Education Number 2 of 2017 concerning the
National Accreditation System for Higher Education. "The national
accreditation system for higher education is listed in the appendix and is an
inseparable part of the regulations of the national accreditation body for higher
education" (Peraturan Pemerintah, 2019). �
of the higher education mechanisms in dealing with this competition is to
display their strengths and resources'. The measurement of higher education
performance is felt to be very limited, this views a concept of higher
education as an integral entity in education and a process of operating
activities (Balanis, 2005). Performance
measurement requires the right process to improve the quality of education so
that this process can encourage each university to improve weaknesses and ensure
the quality of the education (Chen, Lin, & Chang, 2009).
Universities need to develop effectively to conduct performance evaluation as a
continuous process to measure the performance of the organization as a whole
because this is the key to the survival of universities (Lin, Hu, Tseng, Chiu, & Lin, 2016).
is a display of the overall state of the institution during a certain period,
which is the result or achievement that is influenced by the operational
activities of the institution in utilizing its resources. Performance can also
be said as a result (output) of a certain process carried out by all components
of the organization against certain sources used (input). Furthermore,
performance is also the result of a series of process activities carried out to
achieve certain organizational goals. For an organization, performance is the
result of cooperative activities among members or organizational components in
order to realize organizational goals.
is communication between individuals which includes: individual variables,
organizational and psychological variables, provides a theoretical model of
performance and analyzes the factors that influence individual behavior and
performance; (1) individual variables, which consist of sub-variables abilities
and skills, background, demographics, sub-variable abilities and skills are the
factors that most influence individual performance, (2). psychological
variables, which consist of sub-variables of perception, attitude, personality,
learning and motivation. This variable is more influenced by demographic
variables, the sub-variables of perception, attitude, personality and learning
are very difficult to measure, and (3) organizational variables, which consist
of sub-variables resources, leadership, rewards, structure and job design.
Organizational variables have an indirect effect on individual behavior and
performance (Gibson, 2000).
to corporate performance appraisal that can be adopted in non-profit
organizations. A performance appraisal tool called the balanced scorecard is a
comprehensive performance appraisal method. This method assesses performance
using a set of integrated performance measures that have been developed based
on a vision and strategy. The application of the Higher Education BSC makes
them more aware of the extent of the movements and developments that have been
existence of the BSC really helps universities to provide a comprehensive view
of the performance of universities (Arifudin, 2020). In order for
performance to be more effective and efficient, accurate information is needed
that represents the work system being carried out. The BSC provides universities
with the elements needed to move from an 'always financial' paradigm to a new
model in which the results of the BSC become the starting point for reviewing,
questioning, and learning about their strategies. The BSC will translate the
vision and strategy into a coherent set of measures in four balanced
Scorecard abbreviated as BSC, written by Robert Kaplan and David Norton in
1990, BSC is a performance-based strategic management approach. Thus, the focus
and performance measures become the emphasis of the BSC. Balance Scorecard is a
management system for managing the implementation of strategies, measuring
performance not only focusing on a financial perspective, and for communicating
the vision, strategy, and performance expectations of stakeholders (Kaplan & Norton, 2000).� As Kaplan and Norton (1996),
suggest that BSC helps organizations to complete critical management processes
such as: (1) clarify and translate vision and strategy, (2) communicating and
linking the objectives of the strategy and measurement, (3) planning, setting
targets and aligning initiatives from the strategy, and (4) increasing feedback
and learning strategies. Kaplan and Norton's expression implies that BSC is a
strategic management used in an organization or institution with standards
measured through four perspectives, namely financial perspective, customer
perspective, internal business process perspective and growth and learning
on the background of the problem above, in general this research aims to see
the extent to which the implementation of "Implementation of the Balanced
Scorecard (BSC) in improving the performance of private universities"
(STEMBI College of Economics in Bandung City).
This study uses qualitative research
methods. Qualitative research emphasizes quality not quantity and the data
collected does not come from questionnaires but comes from interviews, direct
observations and other related official documents. Qualitative research is also
more concerned with the process aspect than the results obtained (Creswell, 2012). Research that
intends to understand the phenomena of what is experienced by research subjects
such as behavior, perceptions, motivations, actions and others holistically and
by means of descriptions in the form of words and language, in a special
natural context by utilizing various natural methods (Moleong, 2021).
Given the method to be used in this study
is a descriptive method, therefore the research uses a qualitative approach.
The use of this approach is adapted to the main objective of the study, namely
to describe and analyze the implementation of the Balanced Scorecard in
improving the performance of private universities. BSC is an approach to
management strategy developed by Kaplan (Harvard Business School) and Norton in
the early 1990s. BSC itself comes from two syllables, namely balanced which
means balanced and scorecard which means score card. Balanced here means that
there is a balance between financial performance and non-financial performance
in the short and long term, between internal performance and external
performance. While the scorecard itself means the card used to record the score
of the company's performance results. The scorecard can also be used to plan
the score that the company wants to achieve in the future. Kaplan and Norton
(1996), the four BSC perspectives are: �Financial perspective, Customer
perspective, internal business process, Learning & growth. BSC is a
management system to manage strategy implementation, measure overall
performance, and communicate vision, strategy and goals to stakeholders.
The results of
this study are guided by research questions as a focus in presenting research
results which are the objectives of the study. The implementation of PTS
performance management carried out by the STEMBI School of Economics in Bandung
can be explained and reviewed by using the BSC approach, namely (1) financial
perspective, (2) customer perspective, (3) process perspective internal
business process perspective, and (4) learning and growth perspective.
Perspective Financial management in a private university is not an easy thing,
it needs good cooperation between foundations and institutions so that the
vision, mission and goals can be achieved effectively and efficiently. Sources
of financial income from students and the government, it is hoped that
educational institutions can manage finances well and maximally. Although the
implementation of financial management is not profit-oriented only. Healthy,
transparent and accountable financial management is the main goal so that it
must always be upheld in the financial management system while remaining
principled in accounting principles, including the implementation of internal
and external audits set at the STEMBI School of Economics in Bandung.
It can be seen
that the performance of the Bandung STEMBI College of Economics in terms of
financial performance is quite good, it is proven that income and expenditure
can run dynamically, seen from the implementation of the tridarma of higher
education can be carried out well.
Perspective, customers in this case are students and society. STEMBI
College of Economics approaches the customer perspective by implementing and
providing facilities and infrastructure to support the development of science
and technology. The institution determines the targets, both quantitatively and
qualitatively, which are included in the framework of the strategic plan that
has been determined and formulated every year. Achievement of targets
determined based on experiences and predictions that will occur in the future,
both in terms of increasing income, increasing the number of students and
increasing the capability and professionalism of HR managers. The
implementation carried out to accommodate student creativity is in the form of
a business incubator container where students are involved in these activities
so that it is easier for students to express their innovation and creativity.
The institution contains a forum for searching alumni, job fairs, job
vacancies, specialization in achievement pathways, potential and mapping of
student interests. At this point, service improvement and academic quality
assurance both internally and externally are more appropriately considered.
The success of
performance in the customer's perspective can be seen from the number of
students every year there is a very significant increase to study at the STEMBI
College of Economics in Bandung.
business process perspective means improving the internal business process
perspective education must finalize and prepare academic processes to suit
customer needs. The creation of graduates who are professional, highly
competitive, have an entrepreneurial spirit and have a noble character who are
able to think systematically and interestedly in planning, operating and
controlling business units productively. Professionalism will not be able to
succeed without being supported by strong scientific abilities, both in a
philosophical and methodological sense, must also be supported by quality
scientific works.
of the internal business perspective at the STEMBI School of Economics is
clearly stated in the objectives of the performance standards below: (1) to
prepare and develop the organization, including the facilities and
infrastructure to develop science and technology for the welfare of the
community, (2) conducting education and teaching and learning in order to
create human resources who are experts in the field of business who are
intellectual and have good morals, and (3) conducting research and community
service as a form of the Institute's participation to improve the welfare of
the community.
The obstacles
that are felt in the internal business are facing conditions that are
constantly changing and the limited resources they have require higher
education institutions to find solutions.
Learning and
growth perspective means
the application of the Growth and Learning
Perspective carried out by institutions is more about adjusting to economic
growth and technology where growth cannot be separated in the world of
education, for that it is necessary to increase the welfare of lecturers and
employees. Lecturers and employees are given the opportunity to develop
careers, examples of which previously only had an undergraduate education were
sent to a higher level at a cost fully borne by the foundation. In addition,
what is focused on students is improvement in coaching both academically and
non-academically. The guidance carried out is that students are given business
briefings such as making programs/applications.
The main
objective with the existence of a growth and development perspective is to
increase the level of skills in carrying out internal processes, harmonization
between employee and institutional goals, improve information systems, etc. In
order to increase and maintain the value of intellectual capital, STEMBI
invests in continuous education and training of its personnel, establishes a
system of evaluating employees and their performance, rewards and promotes
qualified staff.
The concept of the BSC implementation approach at
the STEMBI School of Economics Bandung with the application of 4 perspectives.
Namely: (1) financial perspective, (2) customer perspective, (3) internal
business process perspective, and (4) learning and growth perspective), carried
out in a systematic, measurable and planned manner so that the Vision, Mission
and objectives are implemented properly.
There is a balance between financial and
non-financial, there is a synergy in its management, so that the implementation
of the Institution's operations is carried out in accordance with the
objectives to be achieved.
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which is the internal business process perspective, which is difficult to do
where maintaining a program that has been well implemented is very difficult,
but with these problems it does not become a barrier to carrying out the vision
and mission of the institution.
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